Killing animals for the purpose of eating them is cruelty for sure, but do you know that if you just eat eggs, then also you are being cruel to the poor hens. Don’t believe us? Read the following points:
1. Hens go through a lot of pain and cruelty as they enter the egg industry. Moreover, the mother is separated from the chick as they are born.
2. Just after their birth, males and females are separated.
3. The female chicks are then sent to undergo the painful process of egg hatching similarly as their mother underwent.
4. In USA only, in order to fulfill the demand of eggs, nearly 300 million hens go through the painful egg hatching process.
5. The process of cutting beak of female chicks is done by a hot blade or an infra-red laser.
6. After separating the males and females, the male chicks are put in plastic bags and left to die of suffocation. After they die, they are thrown in the garbage.
7. A good number of hens die due to unhygienic conditions and congestion as 4-10 hens are put in one cage.
8. Hens that laid eggs for 2 years are sent to slaughter house for getting killed as most of the hens stop laying eggs after 2 years.
9. 36 hours are taken by a hen to lay one egg.
10. If you still want to eat eggs, try to buy from a poultry farm where hens are allowed to roam in open.
Do you know more such points? Share with us in the comments section below.
Source: Google Images