The month of August was supposed to be a very successful one for Bollywood but it turned out to be disastrous as Aamir Khan’s “Laal Singh Chaddha” and Akshay Kumar’s “Raksha Bandhan” fell flat on the box-office. Both the movies were expected to attract crowd inside theatres but that didn’t happen and all those associated with these films suffered huge losses. However, cinema hall owners still had hope as Vijay Deverakonda’s “Liger” was set to release on August 25 but that also crashed on the box-office and the month ended on a pretty bad note for Bollywood and cinema hall owners as well.
Meanwhile, Taapsee Pannu starrer “Dobaaraa” and Hollywood movie “Nope” also failed to impress audiences and this left theatre owners with two options, either reduce the shows or partially shut down the screens. A source states that running in the times when majority of the movies are not getting audiences, it is not sensible to keep many screens operational. However, he adds that many theatre owners won’t be able to shut down the screens at the moment because they already have ads booked for the week so they have reduced the number of shows per screen and most probably from September 2, many multiplexes will shut down the screens till September 9 when “Brahmastra” will release.
A film distributer states that there are two ways to survive, either to increase the income or reduce the expenses. As there is no big movie coming up until September 9, the theatre owners are finding ways to minimize the expenses which may include shutting down the theatres for some time as well. He adds that though the exhibitors will have to pay the salaries yet at least they can save the operation cost as there is no benefit in running shows with less occupancy which doesn’t even cover the expenses of running the shows.
G7 Multiplexes of Mumbai which is also known as Gaiety-Galaxy has already resorted to closing down one theatre temporarily. While Gaiety is a 1000 seater hall, Galaxy consists of 800 seats and the latter has been closed for nearly a week.
When Manoj Desai, the executive director of G7 Multiplexes and Maratha Mandir, is asked about the shutting down of theatres on a temporary basis, he responds by saying what else to do, there is no big movie till September 9, he will have to decide whether he should shut down both the theatres – Gaiety and Galaxy closed for a week.
However, Cinepolis India is not shutting down the screens as CEO Devang Sampat states that ups and downs are a part of business and it’s happening all over the world. He adds that a fixed cost is involved in running a cinema hall as you need to pay both – salaries and rental and you can only save electricity cost by shutting down the screens. He further says that electricity cost isn’t covered if the show is run with less than 10 occupants but they always have more than 10 occupants so they don’t believe in cancelling the shows.
An official from Inox Leisure Limited has also echoed the same sentiments as he says that they don’t cancel the shows or shut the screens because they have enough content. Hopes are riding high on Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt starrer “Brahmastra” as theatre owners are expecting it to pull the crowd inside the theatres.
Will “Brahmastra” be a hit? What do you think? Share your opinion.