Indian star cricketer Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma tied the knot at a luxurious hamlet at Italy in the year 2017. The duo stunned their fans with the surprise wedding. Though their wedding was a private affair it was the most trending topic on Social Media. Virat and Anushka looked nothing apart from royals.
Anushka chose a Sabyasachi Mukherjee outfit. She looked glamorous in that pale pink lehenga with silver-gold embroidery. On the other hand, Virat donned an ivory raw silk sherwani which had a vintage style.
Recently, a girl from Dubai, UAE got married to the man of her dreams. Wondering how does it relate to Anushka Sharma’s wedding?
On her special day, she chose to wear a similar lehenga which Anushka Sharma wore on her big day in Italy. The lehenga is designed by non-other than Sabyasachi Mukherjee himself. The colour of the lehenga slightly differs from Anushka’s bridal attire.
The picture of Sonam Basantani was posted on the Instagram page of Sabyasachi. Trust me these pictures will bring back the memories of Vrushika’s wedding.
The bride looked drop dead gorgeous on her special day. What do you guys think?