The popular and legendary comic actor Razak Khan passed away today due to heart attack, causing a big loss to Bollywood. Undoubtedly, no one can ever replace the amazing actor who was a mine of talent. He has done a number of memorable roles, making characters like Takkar Pehelwan, Manikchand, Pappu Kangi, Fayazz Takkar, Ninja Chacha and lots more immortal in the history of Hindi Cinema.
In above 90 movies, he had delivered so many dialogs flawlessly, giving them life and soul and even today, his dialogs seem to be fresh and entertaining as always. He is one of the best actors with countless fans Bollywood ever had and it won’t be wrong to say that the industry has lost a precious gem today. Not only in films but also in TV serials, he made a great contribution by means of extraordinary dialog delivery for which he would be remembered ever!
In this article, we present 7 of most iconic dialogs ever spoken by Razak Khan:
Did we miss any epic dialog by Razak Khan? Add to the list in the comments section below.