Nowadays we see many Indian authors are writing high-standard novels. And Indian writers are finally catching up with the writers from abroad. Chetan Bhagat, Amish Tripathi, Sudip Nagarkar, Ravinder Singh etc has become very much well known. So today I’ll list 10 Indian novels of recent times. I may miss some great novels, but I’ll try not to miss any great novel. And please note that here I’m only talking about English novels.
1. Amish Tripathi
The Immortals Of Meluha, The Secret Of The Nagas and The Oath Of The Vayuputras – this three together make the Shiva trilogy. Amish Tripathi is the writer of this trilogy.
2. Chetan Bhagat
2 States, Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes Of My Life, One Night @ The Call Center, Revolution 2020, Half Girlfriend – he has written so many bestselling books. But among of all those, 2 States is definitely worth a read.
3. Ravinder Singh
I Too Had A Love Story, Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, Your Dreams Are Mine Now – he has written four books till date. I Too Had A Love Story and Can Love Happen Twice? – you can read this two.
4. Sudeep Nagarkar
He’s my favourite author at this moment. He has written so many books till date. But three of his books – “It Started With A Friend Request”, “Sorry, You’re Not My Type” and “You’re The Password To My Life” definitely will stay in your mind for some time.
5. Nikita Singh
“The Promise” and “Accidentally In Love!” are two of her books which are worth your time. You can try out “The Unreasonable Fellows” as well.
6. Preeti Shenoy
Familiar with the name, right? “Life Is What You Make It” and “It Happens For A Reason” – you can try reading this two and I bet you’ll not get disappointed.
7. Durjoy Datta
You’ve previously heard of him for sure. By the way have you tried out “Till The Last Breath”, “When Only Love Remains” ? If not, order and read this two.
Durjoy Datta And Nikita Singh together wrote a books titled “If It’s Not Forever, It’s Not Love” – you should read this one too.
And that’s pretty much my list. Ok, I listed only the popular ones. I know your favourite author may be missing from my list but I preferred the term “popularity” in making my list.