People are able to set WhatsApp so that it only shares their profile photo with people they have in their contacts lists. But the security system of the app is endangered now as the bug allows people to get around that and see the profile photos of the people they don’t know.
Another major problem can be found in this much beloved mobile app is that the web app also allows its users to access the pictures that have since been deleted. You can see that they are still there on the web, even though these pictures get blurred out on the phone app. There should be a quick solution to this problem; otherwise this celebrated app may lose its heyday.
People are able to set WhatsApp so that it only shares their profile photo with people they have in their contacts lists. But the security system of the app is endangered now as the bug allows people to get around that and see the profile photos of the people they don’t know.
Another major problem can be found in this much beloved mobile app is that the web app also allows its users to access the pictures that have since been deleted. You can see that they are still there on the web, even though these pictures get blurred out on the phone app. There should be a quick solution to this problem; otherwise this celebrated app may lose its heyday.
People are able to set WhatsApp so that it only shares their profile photo with people they have in their contacts lists. But the security system of the app is endangered now as the bug allows people to get around that and see the profile photos of the people they don’t know.
Another major problem can be found in this much beloved mobile app is that the web app also allows its users to access the pictures that have since been deleted. You can see that they are still there on the web, even though these pictures get blurred out on the phone app. There should be a quick solution to this problem; otherwise this celebrated app may lose its heyday.
People are able to set WhatsApp so that it only shares their profile photo with people they have in their contacts lists. But the security system of the app is endangered now as the bug allows people to get around that and see the profile photos of the people they don’t know.
Another major problem can be found in this much beloved mobile app is that the web app also allows its users to access the pictures that have since been deleted. You can see that they are still there on the web, even though these pictures get blurred out on the phone app. There should be a quick solution to this problem; otherwise this celebrated app may lose its heyday.