True, hot and beautiful girls easily grab the attention and interest of everyone, especially guys, no matter wherever they go; and this becomes a problem for their friends if they are not equally hot or beautiful. Naturally, all the girls are blessed with an element of jealousy whether they accept it or not! And when their friends get more noticed and not they, situation becomes sometimes intolerable and the target in such conditions becomes the man who looks at the hot girl.
The same situation arises when a pretty lady notices a man staring at her and tells this to her friends. At this, both her friends lose their calm and straightly go to the man! But what’s this? They complaint him of not staring at them and start telling the advantages of making them girlfriends! How it all happened and what followed will give you a laugh riot!!
This hilarious video perfectly depicts the plight of all not-so-hot girls:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
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