You all must have watched, ‘A walk to remember’. It is such a mesmerising movie and it tempts us to watch again and again. So, here are the things you have learnt from the movie if you have watched it.
1) You cannot judge someone with his/her appearance. However, the person is bad but his heart might be good.
2) It seems to be the perfect idea to seek parent’s permission before asking your girl out for a date.
3) The beauty of any relationship is to forgive the person and not to hold any grudges.
4) Love is a strong feeling. Can you imagine Landon would become a medicine student and would get into a college?
5) When you are doing something in the proper way, it shows your love, concern and respect for the girl.
6) You don’t need to show your love to someone. But completing their dreams is a big deal.
7) Jamie knows that Landon will make her dream come true. She trusted him.
8) Positivity in the life helps you to achieve those things which people never expected from you.
9) Fall in love with a person who changes you in a better way.
The best quote from the movie, “Our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I feel it.” Have you learnt anything more from the movie? Then comment in the below section and let us know.