For a person, who meets his both ends based on Uber driving, what could have been the greater news than this. He asked his wife giving Rs. 1000 to offer ‘prasad’ to ‘Bhagwan’ at a temple in his locality for saving him and his family from the hardships and distresses that they were going through. The Uber taxi drivers actually get back in life almost after a ban of one and half months as the US firm is restarting its operation in the national capital all over again.
Uber was banned in delhi after a shocking rape case:- Read Another Shameful Case In Delhi : 25 Year Old Woman Raped By Taxi Driver
Taxi drivers were not ready to work with Uber company as it might face ban at anytime in future. That’s why Uber company started paying them Rs 3000 in just for logging on to the Uber app for twelve hours- that’s even with the immediate effect. So, from now on they are in great relief that they are going to get a handsome salary at the end of the month, with immediate effect. Rs 3,000 per day; that is, Rs 90,000 per month — for just logging on to the Uber application for 12 hours in a day. They will be paid a guaranteed incentive of Rs 3000 even if they don’t get a single booking.
Ummm…that’s quite attractive payment. From now on children will not be in much worry about their studies, simply knowing driving a car can make them earn in lakhs.
For a person, who meets his both ends based on Uber driving, what could have been the greater news than this. He asked his wife giving Rs. 1000 to offer ‘prasad’ to ‘Bhagwan’ at a temple in his locality for saving him and his family from the hardships and distresses that they were going through. The Uber taxi drivers actually get back in life almost after a ban of one and half months as the US firm is restarting its operation in the national capital all over again.
Uber was banned in delhi after a shocking rape case:- Read Another Shameful Case In Delhi : 25 Year Old Woman Raped By Taxi Driver
Taxi drivers were not ready to work with Uber company as it might face ban at anytime in future. That’s why Uber company started paying them Rs 3000 in just for logging on to the Uber app for twelve hours- that’s even with the immediate effect. So, from now on they are in great relief that they are going to get a handsome salary at the end of the month, with immediate effect. Rs 3,000 per day; that is, Rs 90,000 per month — for just logging on to the Uber application for 12 hours in a day. They will be paid a guaranteed incentive of Rs 3000 even if they don’t get a single booking.
Ummm…that’s quite attractive payment. From now on children will not be in much worry about their studies, simply knowing driving a car can make them earn in lakhs.
For a person, who meets his both ends based on Uber driving, what could have been the greater news than this. He asked his wife giving Rs. 1000 to offer ‘prasad’ to ‘Bhagwan’ at a temple in his locality for saving him and his family from the hardships and distresses that they were going through. The Uber taxi drivers actually get back in life almost after a ban of one and half months as the US firm is restarting its operation in the national capital all over again.
Uber was banned in delhi after a shocking rape case:- Read Another Shameful Case In Delhi : 25 Year Old Woman Raped By Taxi Driver
Taxi drivers were not ready to work with Uber company as it might face ban at anytime in future. That’s why Uber company started paying them Rs 3000 in just for logging on to the Uber app for twelve hours- that’s even with the immediate effect. So, from now on they are in great relief that they are going to get a handsome salary at the end of the month, with immediate effect. Rs 3,000 per day; that is, Rs 90,000 per month — for just logging on to the Uber application for 12 hours in a day. They will be paid a guaranteed incentive of Rs 3000 even if they don’t get a single booking.
Ummm…that’s quite attractive payment. From now on children will not be in much worry about their studies, simply knowing driving a car can make them earn in lakhs.
For a person, who meets his both ends based on Uber driving, what could have been the greater news than this. He asked his wife giving Rs. 1000 to offer ‘prasad’ to ‘Bhagwan’ at a temple in his locality for saving him and his family from the hardships and distresses that they were going through. The Uber taxi drivers actually get back in life almost after a ban of one and half months as the US firm is restarting its operation in the national capital all over again.
Uber was banned in delhi after a shocking rape case:- Read Another Shameful Case In Delhi : 25 Year Old Woman Raped By Taxi Driver
Taxi drivers were not ready to work with Uber company as it might face ban at anytime in future. That’s why Uber company started paying them Rs 3000 in just for logging on to the Uber app for twelve hours- that’s even with the immediate effect. So, from now on they are in great relief that they are going to get a handsome salary at the end of the month, with immediate effect. Rs 3,000 per day; that is, Rs 90,000 per month — for just logging on to the Uber application for 12 hours in a day. They will be paid a guaranteed incentive of Rs 3000 even if they don’t get a single booking.
Ummm…that’s quite attractive payment. From now on children will not be in much worry about their studies, simply knowing driving a car can make them earn in lakhs.