On Monday, Union Budget 2016-17 was presented by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley who made an attempt to give a poor man’s budget as the Modi govt. has always been accused of being businessmen oriented. Jaitley’s budget was based on these nine pillars – tax reforms, infrastructure, agriculture & farmer welfare, skill development, fiscal discipline, rural sector, financial services reforms and social sector.
The service class is a little disappointed as they were expecting a raise in the income tax slabs which did not happen. What’s more, the small cars have also been made costly by imposing 2.5% extra infrastructure cess on diesel cars and 1% on petrol cars.
In a bit to show its proximity to the rural sector, the govt. has given 2.87 lakh crore to the municipalities and gram panchayats as an aid which is 228% increase from the last time.
Like every issue and happening, Twitter has reacted over the budget too but in a hilarious tone and you just can’t miss these tweets:
"Milds kitne ki hai?"
"14 Rs""Goldflake?"
"14 ki""Aur lighter?"
"10 ka""Lighter dedo. Cigarette dost se maang loonga."#Budget2016
— Akshar Pathak (@AksharPathak) February 29, 2016
Biz TV channels are really low energy. Struggling to say good things. Poor chaps
— Mihir Sharma (@mihirssharma) February 29, 2016
By not focusing the benefits of #UnionBudget2016 on the #suitboot people @arunjaitley has cleverly made the opposition's job a bit tougher.
— Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) February 29, 2016
Excellent budget for the Aadhaar-card holding non-smoker who lost his degree certificate and plans to launch a loss-making startup this year
— St_Hill (@St_Hill) February 29, 2016
LPG disagree
Jandhan disagree
Electrification disagree
Union budget disagree
Pro farmer disagree
Sir/Man what do u agree with?
Italy agree— Anurag saxena (@saaxenanurag) February 29, 2016
Sensex turns anti national! Doesn't give a thumbs up to budget!
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) February 29, 2016
Nothing for middle class in this budget. Modi govt cheated middle class which votes for them
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) February 29, 2016
I hope Jaitley has set aside 17000 rupees in his budget for the tweeps, who would praise his super budget at a rate of 3 rupees per tweet.
— Rofl Gandhi 2.0
(@RoflGandhi_) February 29, 2016
It is a Pro-poor budget – PM
yes yes…it is so Pro-poor budget that now all poor can buy a their own house or flats in an apartment..!!— Virendra Giri (@vgirionline) February 29, 2016
Even if it didn't need more evidence, today's yo-yo reaffirms a known fact, that stock markets and operators are really dumb #Budget2016
— Shekhar Gupta (@ShekharGupta) February 29, 2016
Highest ever allocation to MNREGA! How life changes from Oppn to govt! #ModiBudgetTest
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) February 29, 2016
So our ruling dispensation is extreme rightwing religious-nationalist politically and 1970s socialist-populist on economics. Kya baat hai
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) February 29, 2016
Budget in a nutshell: You pay more to the Govt.
— Dr Kurmanath, Ph.D. (@Kurmanath) February 29, 2016
Sooo.. Leo called for action on climate change in his speech. And @arunjaitley made a case for animal welfare in his budget speech!
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) February 29, 2016
"Union Budget: No Vision for Growth; No Vision for Improving People’s Interests." -Statement issued by Polit Bureau.https://t.co/FRXyEjIRJa
— Sitaram Yechury (@SitaramYechury) February 29, 2016
Spent more than 15 years working hard & saving harder only so that a stupid politicians can hijack my savings in a bid to gain votes.
— Shivangi (@Shivangiyadav) February 29, 2016
Krishi kalyan cess!!!! I mean seriously!!!! Anymore cess and tax we have to pay to fund the remaining 80% of the country!!!! #Budget2016
— Yudhajit Dutta (@YudhajitDutta) February 29, 2016
SC/ST/women won. #StandUpIndia allocated Rs 500 Crores for SC/ST/women entrepreneurs. #Budget2016 pic.twitter.com/qfQAEMV9ck
— Rupa Subramanya (@rupasubramanya) February 29, 2016
"Green cess" on cars great idea. But only if it's used to help get old vehicles off the roads, like an Indian cash-for-clunkers #Budget2016
— Shekhar Gupta (@ShekharGupta) February 29, 2016
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