In India, the tendency of demanding caste-wise reservation is on a rise; earlier it was asked by Gujjars, then Patels and this time, Jats of Haryana. A lot of violent activities took place under the banner of reservation protests and Haryana was set on fire, literally, by the Jats.
When Jats were protesting for reservation in Haryana, some people in Nashik, Maharashtra also demanded reservation and started protesting outside the collectorate’s office. It would come to you as a great surprise cum shock that one of them was wearing jewellery of one kilogram gold.
The person’s name is Anup Swarup and he is a higher official in the political party Shiv Sena. When the people came to know that a person who has worn 1 kg of gold jewellery is sitting outside the collectorate’s office demanding reservation, they started coming to see him. As per the information received, Anup is always dressed in the same manner and has security officers too for safety and protection of his jewellery.