No doubt, what is happening in JNU has shaken the country to the core and there are a number of people who just can’t understand the reason as to why and how students are doing this to their motherland….
This video by Funky Flunky gives a very important message in a quite simple manner. It tells us that no matter how much a child is angry with his mother, he should not abuse her at any cost.
This was indeed an direct reference to whatever happened inside the campus of Jawahar Lal Nehru University where the students not only protested against the death sentence given to the terrorist Afzal Guru but also shouted anti-national slogans, desiring their own nation India to be shattered into pieces.
The video reminds each and every Indian that India is not just a country where we are living but it’s our mother and we are its children. Regardless of whatever happens in our lives, we don’t have the right to abuse our mother; Yes, you may get angry and let her know about your dissent but You Just Can’t Abuse Your Mother In Any Manner.
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
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