The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who changed the way of communication in digital platforms have been threatened by Islamic State. A new video that surfaced, shows the images of two digital moguls being riddled with digitally added bullet holes. They are being mocked for thinking that terrorizing content can be removed from their platforms.
The 25 minute duration of the video showcases the IS fighting back against the efforts of these digital giant to swipe off content related to terrorism. In the video, the pictures of Zuckerberg and Dorsey, is blasted with bullets and the Islamic state is giving them death threatening. The Islamic state also, give out a clear message to all those tech entrepreneurs who are supporting the digital platforms, that their life is in danger as well, they are being tagged as allies of the Americans and Crusader government.
In one of the slides in the video, they have targeted the Mark Zuckerberg & Jack Dorsey openly.
“To Mark and Jack, founders of Twitter and Facebook and to their Crusader government. You announce daily that you suspended many of our accounts and to you we say: is that all you can do? you are not in our league. If you close one account we will take 10 in return and soon your names will be erased after we delete you (sic) sites, #Sons_Caliphate_Army”.
The video titled “Flames of the Supporters” has been released by “the sons of the Caliphate army”.
In another slide they have mentioned how their attempts are going in vain, and nothing can stop them from spreading terror across this digital platforms. They claimed to have hacked more than 10,000 Facebook accounts, 150 Facebook groups, and more than 5,000 Twitter accounts.
In this threatening video, the group claimed that Dorsey and his company started a “war” against the Islamic State, and that the “necks” of Twitter employees have “become an official target to ISIS soldiers and supporters.”
Digital media is a strong platform to send across messages and people do take them seriously. So, what do you think, isn’t it really scary that hatred is being spread?