Suresh Prabhu, Central Railway Minister has presented the Union Rail Budget of 2016-17 in today’s Parliament session. Rail Minister has proposed a capital of Rs. 1.21 Lakh crores for the upcoming year of 2016-17. This Rail Budget has been prepared by taking the opinion of the common man. Like the previous Rail Ministers, there was no Halla Bulla from Suresh Prabhu, he didn’t concentrate on giving more number of Trains to his home state.
Here are the Key takeaways from the #RailBudget2016
1. No Hike in Rail Fares
2. WiFi services will be started at 100 different stations this year and at 400 stations in the next 2 years.
3. Action will be initiated on 139 announcements made in last year’s Budget
4. Will Increase Quota to Senior Citizens by 50% which will result in approximately 120 lower berths per train
5. “139” help line number will be started for Cancellation purpose
6. Swachh Bharat in Railways: Up to 17,000 bio toilets & additional toilets in 475 stations by the end of this financial year.
7. E-ticketing system to support 1.2 Lakh users at a time compared to 40,000 presently. Also enhancing the capacity from 2,000 tickets to 7,200 tickets per minute
8. All the major Railway stations to be brought under CCTV surveillance in a phase wise manner
9. Request to clean toilets via SMS
10. Improvement of catering service. Local cuisine of the passenger choice will be made available
11. GPS based digital screens in coaches for displaying the upcoming stations
12. Introduction of bar-coded tickets on pilot basis to overcome the problem of ticketless travel
13. 33% sub-quota for women which apply to all reserved categories
14. North-East India will be connected through broad gauge especially Mizoram & Manipur
15. Antyodaya Express, Deen Dayal coaches, Humsafar Express, Tejas and Double decker trains
- Antyodaya Express, superfast unreserved and long running train in dense routes.
- Humsafar Express, a full-fledged AC service.
- 2 to 4 Deen Dayal coaches will be added to long-running trains with cell phone charging points.
- Tejas with a speed of 130kmph will be introduced this year.
- Utkrisht double-decker air-conditioned Yatri (UDAY) has been announced to increase the carrying capacity by 40%.
What are your views regarding the Rail Budget? Do share them below. 🙂
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