What happens when you book a cab service… A reason is asked… That’s it.
But every day we can hear a new story, the start-ups in India have flourished but the one’s attached with them seem to have forgotten the mere fact that it is dangerous for both the business and salaried person.
Already there are many cases registered against the cab services, and added to the agony, the driver misbehaves and the company is helpless but shares equal shame.
An incident on similar line happened when a lady in Bengaluru cancelled her trip and soon after a text message dropped in her inbox from the driver abusing her for doing so.
He texted her in abusive language..
This text from the Ola Cab Driver, just made us think what could have possibly happened had she taken the cab.
Thankfully, Ola responded quickly and she ensured her safety.
But the sad part is it was her birthday and at the very same time the good part is it was her birthday and she returned home safe and sound..
Now for a matter of the fact. Ola has fired that employee and is taking legal implications against the driver doing so.
The girl indeed was worried if the driver comes again to harass and backlash at her, which fortunately got escaped.
We don’t think it is the fault of the company but then such incidents does occur and put them on the shameful side.
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