Economy of a country depends a lot on infrastructure & transportation facilities of that nation and road transport is one such mode which in turn, owes its dependency to the prices of petrol and diesel.
Prices of petrol and diesel can even have a positive or negative impact on the items of our daily needs depending whether the price is up or down. In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that petrol prices are one of the most talked about topics in India and you will be surprised to know how exorbitant amount we pay in taxes and charges for purchasing petrol.
Since June 2014, the International Oil Industry is dipping down and on February 3, the price per barrel of petrol was $35, which if we calculate in Indian currency comes to Rs.11 per litre while we are paying between Rs. 55- Rs. 65 per litre depending on the city we are dwelling in.
So if you want to know why are you paying so much, watch the video:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
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