Rujuta Phadke from Mumbai felt cheated by the leading e-commerce firm Flipkart as she received nicely packed pair of bricks in the package in which she was expecting a pair of binoculars. She had paid Rs. 9,000 by her credit card for the binoculars. She told this to a leading news website on phone, “I ordered the binoculars of January 12 through the normal procedure and paid the bill of approximately Rs 9,000 through my credit card. Despite the high value of the order placed there was a delivery charge of Rs 100, which I thought was unusual but still paid.”
CP Mobile and Camera Store from Delhi was the seller of those binoculars and she regularly received updates about the product dispatch and delivery. When she received it on Tuesday at her office, she felt that it was a little heavy than she expected but she expected nothing of this sort. She told, “I found it heavier than expected but didn’t think anything was wrong. But when we opened it we found just two bricks.”
Rujuta immediately filed a complaint at the customer care of Flipkart and meanwhile, her husband uploaded the photos of bricks on social networking site Facebook.
Not only customer care filed the complaint but a member of social media team also got in touch with them but when she asked for replacement, she was told that the product was out of stock and refund would take eight days.
She stated, “They also said that they have no compensation policy for such cases despite a breach of trust.”
Although, when she contacted the manager, he promised an earlier refund and Rujuta is expecting the same now. However, when she was asked whether she will able to have faith on Flipkart again and make transaction from it, she said, “I will definitely be wary now and won’t be on Flipkart now. I will also be very wary about buying expensive things from smaller sites. Now if the major players are also defaulting then I don’t know what to say.”
Earlier also, such cases have come into notice where customers ordered some product but when they received the parcel, it contained stones, bricks and stuffs like this. And this is not the case with only Flipkart but other online marketing sites as well. No doubt, such activities make customers lose trust in these websites which might have an impact on their sale too but these types of incidents are still noticed frequently!