It is truly said that a pen is mightier than a sword and so is the case with social media! The power of Internet and social media at the present time is invincible and is capable of turning impossible into possible. RVCJ posted a video in which WWE disrespected Indian flag and unfortunately, there was no apology from it in this connection. And for the same, we shared the following post and made sure it reaches maximum people and through this, we sought for an apology from WWE so they also honor and dignify our country.
Here’s The Video:
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It’s indeed the power of social media that Gerrit Meier, WWE International President, made an apology for 1990’s incident when Kurt Angle wiped his nose with the flag of India, as reported by Media.
And this is what Gerrit Meier said, “This case is about 20-years-ago and we did not deliberately did [sic] that. We have a great respect for the country. We are sorry that it happened, but we had no intention of doing it. India is a reputable country and we apologise for this…We are extremely pleased that India is hosting the live events again. There are good number of fans and I am confident that they will enjoy it all. Nearly 14 years later, we are once again on the ground of India will play a WWE match.”
RVCJ Thanks All For Their Support That Helped In Maintaining The Dignity & Pride Of India!