It’s hard to imagine how a toxic and environmentally unfriendly energy source like coal is still very heavily used around the world. Most of the energy needs of people depend on coal. Coal is still one of the most important source of energy used in industrialized and developing countries. In the U.S.A. alone, 40% of their energy is produced from coal. It’s affordable and is cheaper source of energy and that’s why it’s the first choice.
1. Coal mining affects nature
Surface mining and underground mining are two most used methods of coal mining. Mountaintop coal mining is a surface mining practice which involve the removal of mountaintops, and disposing of associated mining overburden in adjacent “valley fills.”
2. Habitats are completely destroyed
Cutting of trees and removal of the top layer of our earth surface effect our ecosystem very badly and it also destroy home of many animals, animals that are vital to our existence are now in danger.
3. Pollutes our drinking water
During the process of coal mining, all the waste is dumped into our streams, which then makes their way into our drinking water therefore it pollutes our drinking water.
4. Burning coal causes smog
Smog is very unhealthy of our health and cause asthma attacks, chest pains and breathing problems.
5. Unnecessary medical expenses
Due to the chemicals which release from burning coal, around 12,000 emergency room happen every year due to smog.
6. Affects young children
Toxic mercury in coal pollution damages the nervous system. This most affect babies and children and then cause developmental problems such as brain damage and blindness.
7. Food poisoning
The coal affects our food also. Coal’s mercury is mixed into our rain which then comes down into our oceans. That is why most of fishes we eat are then exposed to mercury. About 40% of the mercury in a fishes body originated from coal.
8. Coal’s waste affects our health
Each year, coal plants around the world generate millions tons of coal ash which is then dumped into thousands of pits across the countries. According to health practitioners, living near these pits is worse than smoking a pack of cigarette a day.
9. Coal is a finite resource
It takes coal millions of years to form and take only minutes to break it down, coal is a non-renewable energy source meaning eventually we will run out of coal.
10. Climate change
Coal-fired power generation plants are responsible for more than 80% of the CO2 pollution. Coal destroy our health and it also destroys the planet’s health.