What you are and what you will be can be determined at an early age, all one needs is to search for passion. For little something 19, Leonardo Di Caprio, he discovered his love and passion both in acting. You can see in this video how his eyes sparkles when he talk about what future he wants and what lies ahead.
The OSCAR deprived actor, knew it well that acting is calling him and he has to take a step to accomplish it. This video will melt your heart when you see the little Caprio saying his experience of bagging a role in Robert De Niro movie and how much he is thrilled.
The actor who has managed to portray some of the most iconic roles and become a legend, was all of 19 when this video was captured. In 1993, when Leo bagged the role in Robert De Niro, his happiness has been captured in the lens.
Just like us, Ain’t you are big Leo fan?
Watch this and spread the love..
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