Either you are single men or coupled up with your girlfriend, fiance or wife. There are many things that tend to differ with a new relation. Let’s is check few common differences Single Guys V/S Engaged Guys.
1. You can easily make out by their facial hair. Single guys hardly care about this, while the ones that are engaged have to listen to their loved lady to be clean shaved.
2. When a single guy gets a Facebook request, he is thrilled to confirm it of course. They also randomly accept the ones from women first. But, the engaged ones will never confirm though will let them be in the list. Who knows when the relations ends and you may want to get into new love life?
3. The single guys hardly spends amount on his mobile recharge and has very less calling time, while engaged guy on the other hand spend hours talking over the phone with his girlfriend and has to shell out all his pocket money there.
4. Singles can booze anytime they want. When you are engaged you have to take her permission or either do it in a sophisticate way at some family party or Valentine’s Day. Only wine and champagne though!!!
5. Single guys spend hours playing and roaming along with their friends, while the taken ones has no time for friends and goes out only with his lover.
6. Singly guys spend the pocket money on the eatery or just jollying with friends. The engaged ones have to buy gifts, take her for lunch,…that empties the entire wallet.
7. The singles choose the seats anywhere in the theater while watching a movie. But, while he has girlfriend along he may just choose the last corner seats.
8. Single men can go for a vacation anytime they want or just even for long bike ride; while engaged ones have to take their girlfriend along that requires to be confirmed a month in advance to gather all things.
9. Single guys eat anything even the roadside food or the stall…”Ek cutting dena!”…while the ones with girlfriend can’t do the same and have to go to a restaurant for lunch-dinner-breakfast.
10. As a single guy you never think about the future- the things to buy like house, furniture; but while you are engaged she may make you the feel the importance to do this.