Girls and boys usually comes together and hangout together as a friend or as a couple, there are so many things that makes them feel attracted towards each other. But when it comes to few things of girls, guys feel it annoying and irritating, like crying for small reason, asking to make them feel happy when they are sad for no reason, or giving stupid suggestions to a guy.
Here i am explaining few most annoying things girls do which guys usually feels irritating.
1. Shopping-
Girls usually likes to go for shopping, It doesn’t mean that they will buy something, They will just go for shopping and will see products and their prices and will come back home eating golgappe.. 😀
2. Pouting-
While posing for a photo they always pout. Might be they think that they look much better than posing in natural expressions. 😛
3. Doing Awwwwwww –
This is the most funny part, Don’t know why but they somehow manages to do Awwwww for any compliment they receive or if any cute thing they see .. 😀
4. Hypocrisy-
Girls who have broke up with their guy and trying to show themselves strong. They will always tell everyone that they are strong enough and don’t need any man .
5. Questions-
Woman always asks lot of questions, Many times they ask irrelevant questions. It makes the guy feel annoyed.
6. No Logic-
Speaking without any sense and not applying any logic in a conversation. Most of the times they speak without having any logic and will kill you if you tell this to them 😀
7. Crying For No Reason-
Woman is like an automatic crying machine. they easily gets hurt from small things and starts crying.
In this situation , guys really gets irritated but they never shows it. 😛
8. Not Keeping Any Secret In Their Stomach-
If you tell them anything secret, they will definitely spread it to all over their friendzone, They are the fastest communication system than E-mail or Phone 😀
9. Changing whatsapp and Facebook DP-
No guy can compete them in changing Facebook and Whatsapp DP often. They usually clicks hundreds of photographs and always keep changing it as their DP. 😛
10. Taking Pictures In Bathroom-
God knows why but girls love to click photos in bathroom. 😀
May be it gives them mental satisfaction. 😛
These are few things that makes the guys feel annoyed , Hope It will help them improving their habits and build a good personality 😉