There is no denying the fact that sometimes parents put a lot of pressure on their kids thinking they would fulfill their expectations and dreams but at that time, they never feel or try to know what their children want. And we have seen a number of such cases where kids become just a medium to accomplish the desires of their parents, even though it has got nothing to do with what they want in life. For instance, now-a-days there is a race of marks and percentage. Every parent wishes their children to become engineer and doctor not considering the fact that they must have the liberty of choosing their own career.
Here’s a must watch video in this connection where a girl leaves final message to her parents before committing suicide where she makes an attempt to say what all she could not say all these years. And through the message, her agony and pain are clearly reflected! It’s high time parents seriously think about it!
Must Watch Video:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
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