It is said that music has a connection with the God and this is why listening to music always gives a soothing effect to the mind and senses. Not only human beings but plants too love music. What’s more, it has been found that the plants which hear music grow faster. But have you ever heard that music is used to frighten wild animals? Sounds shocking but ironically true!!
Yo Yo Honey Singh is a popular name in the field of Indian Pop music having a large number of fans and followers. Besides this, he is criticized a lot too for the type of songs he sings as well as for his music videos. Nevertheless, whatever you say, he knows what public likes to listen. But in the villages of Uttarakhand, Honey Singh’s music is played for a strange reason. The farmers of these villages were frustrated with the damage done by the wild boars in their fields to such an extent that the government was compelled to declare them as pests and killing them was allowed but now they have devised a way to keep these wild boars and other animals away from their crops.
The farmers believed that the wild animals keep away from the places which are occupied by the human beings, so they place logs in their fields and fix loudspeakers on the top of these logs. Then these farmers play music of Honey Singh and other rappers from their homes which keep wild animals like jackal, wild boars and Nilgai away from their fields, and their crops remain safe.
We hope that if Honey Singh comes to know about it, he would come up with songs and music videos related to this context too!! LOL…..
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