Bollywood has got such great artists, which can reinvent any story any character be it how mediocre it is. Such great director is Imtiaz Ali. Hailing from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Imtiaz Ali has set a benchmark by creating love stories in Bollywood. Remember Jab We Met, Love Aaj Kal, Highway and who can forget Ranbir Kapoor’s life changing movie Rockstar.
His latest hit, Tamasha is yet another flick which is of course a love story, but a pungent of life lessons which accompanied this movie is remarkable. And adding to his magic is Ranbir’s terrific acting and Deepika’s charismatic performance. Tamasha in general is not just for people who loves romantic flicks. In fact it gathers some life lessons which every viewer won’t be able to forget throughout their life.
You Should Remember These Beautiful Life Lessons TAMASHA Taught.
1. Whether your life is on track or not. Whether you THINK you don’t need anyone. But YES everyone needs that one person who can change their life unexpectedly in a positive manner.
2. Love comes and goes, don’t make it weaken you. Embrace those memories which you spent with the one you loved or still love. REMEMBER – its impossible to make someone love you. You are better off without them.
3. Atleast Once Just Once, Travel Alone to a place where you haven’t been before. Its one of the best ways to explore yourself and to know yourself. Plus enjoying your own company, what could be better than that !
4. Never let your interests die out. Don’t let the burden of SOCIETY kill your dreams which you saw in childhood. You are not here to live someone else’s life.
5. Don’t try to act like someone else. Realize your true self and act like it. Don’t be afraid of your weaknesses, because everyone has one.
6. Its better to be late than never. If the start of the story was not in your hand, then there would be a point where you can change its course. The end is in your hand, don’t fear anything. Just go for what you’v wanted.
7. You are not alone in this world who needs a push or who wants someone to hold his/her hand and say, I’M WITH YOU, DON’T WORRY. I BELIEVE IN YOU.
8. Finally, this is for parents. Let your children follow their passion. Whats the worst can happen, they won’t be able to get the kind of living standard you dreamt of having them in their adulthood. Instead of forcing them to do something they are not interested in, teach them to follow their passion and excel in it.
What are your thoughts about the movie TAMASHA. Did you like it? Or did we miss any lessons which it might have taught. Let us know in the comments section below.