Today, on 3rd December PM Narendra Modi announced a relief fund of Rs 1000 Crore for flood affected Chennai. PIB i.e. Press Information Bureau, a state-run outlet that issues official press releases and news updates, tweeted a photo-shopped photo of PM Modi doing an aerial survey of flood affected Chennai. What was the need of posting photoshop pic when Narendra Modi actually visited the Chennai.
Here’s tweet and pic that PIB India tweeted:-
In the above pic you can see that PM Modi was able to see the Chennai with pure clarity.
However when Modi visited Chennai then all the pics had hazy exterior. It’s almost impossible to see clear pic from aerial distance. We couldn’t find the exact replica of above pic but this is the actual pic of Modi visiting Chennai and it shows how Chennai looks from aerial distance:-
The 1st image that PIB tweeted was surely an edited one. Users on twitter asked for an explanation to PIB and that’s when PIB India deleted the photoshopped tweet without giving any explanation. This is seriously shame for PIB India that they are trying to do PR of PM Modi by circulating photoshopped & fake pics of Narendra Modi.
We need an explanation and apology from PIB India for trying to mislead people of our county.