Here are some of the rare facts about famous inventors you did not know
1. Robert Augustus Chesebrough, was an American chemist who discovered petroleum jelly, which he marked as vaseline. He claimed to eat a spoonful of Vaseline everyday. Before launching the product, he tested Vaseline on his own hands and legs everyday. To demonstrate, he would burn his skin with open flame and than would apply the petroleum jelly.
2. Stephen Hawking continued to work throughout his diseases. But one of the rare fact says, Hawking was able to speak one word per minute. He does this by twitching his cheek to control a cursor on a screen. However, according to various sources, it is said that Intel worked hard and hopes to boost Hawking’s speech from one to ten words per minute.
3. Did you know who is the inventor of fire hydrant? Well, no one knows about it. Because the inventor of fire hydrant was burnt in fire while testing the device.
4. The Process of water moved from the roots to the leaves known as transpiration was first widely proposed in 1895 and similar process was penned by Isaac Newton during his undergraduate years in 1660’s. Berling writers, “We have no idea how long Newton spent thinking about the workings of plants or what prompted these thoughts”.
5. Leo Fender, who is the inventor of telecaster and strastocaster, could not play guitar.
6. The first phone call was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper, who is the former Motorola inventor.
7. A New Molecule called Tetranitratoxycarbon was accidentally invented by a 10-Year-Old in 2012 in Science Class.
8. The first credit card by invented by a person who faced an embarrassment to pay the bill for dinner but forgot his wallet.
9. James Watson is one of the scientists who discovered the helical structure of DNA. He believes that stupidity is a diseases and stupid people should be cured. He believed that people from Africa are less intelligent and also does not wish to hire fat person due to their obesity.
10. Charles Richter, who is the inventor of the Richter scale was a nudist before.
11. Rudolf Diesel, who invented the Diesel engine, committed suicide in 1913 because he thought this invention of diesel engine was a waste, and would never succeed in future.
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