Everyone knows about the story of Harry Potter, but only few people among them know the true side of the story and the character. So, to give you a complete view about Harry Potter, here we brought you some rare facts about it.
1. Jack rabbit was Nymphadora Tonks’ original Patronus , but it ultimately changed to a wolf.
2. Rowling and Harry share a common birthday and both blow off candles together on July 31st.
3. Fred and George were born on April Fool’s Day.
4. Michael Jackson once approached Rowling about making a book based on the music. But this was eventually turned down.
5. Arthur Weasley was supposed to die in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But later was replaced with Sirius.
6. Did you know The tale of the Deathly Hallows was based on The Pardoner’s Tale ? Well, it was written by Geoffrey Chaucer.
7. Surprisingly, there are 700 fouls in Quidditch.
8. Not known to most of us, but platform 7 1/2 is the Orient Express.
9. If we do not believe the popular belief, the ‘t’ at the end of Voldemort is silent. The name comes from the French words which means “flight of death.”
10. Tom Felton desperately wanted to play the role of Harry Potter and hence he was auditioned for the roles of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Instead he was chosen to play Draco Malfoy.
11. The man with heavy beard Robbie Coltrane, who played the role of Hagrid in the films, has got a mini-fan and a fruit bat stuck once in his shaggy beard.
12. Over 400 million Harry Potter books in 67 languages have been sold worldwide as of 2008.
13. Whoa! J.K. Rowling is the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. But surprisingly, she is also listed among billionaires who lost their riches till now.