‘Anonymous’, the hacker group that promised to wage a complete war against the terrorist group Islamic State is not leaving any stone unturned in hunting down the social media accounts of ISIS and bringing them down. But they are not only closing those accounts, they are tracking the hashtags used by the workers of ISIS for recruitment and then making those accounts unsteady and impossible to use by spamming them.
Anonymous declared a complete war against ISIS after the Paris attacks and it is definitely the ‘biggest operation ever’ as they have already hunted and closed 10,000 twitter accounts till date.
However in the beginning it seems a little immature to spam the ISIS twitter accounts with a classic ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ by Rick Astley but the experts feel that it works great. As per one of the experts, the most effective way to stop ISIS from spreading their ideology on twitter is to interrupt their messages and make it impossible to share any information and this method is called “rickroll”.
Now as per the Independent, ISIS is tasting their own medicine as they had also used the same technique against all those who opposed them in the past. Independent says, “In a propaganda move earlier this year, the group used Twitter to ostensibly ask how it should kill a prisoner, and hijacked hashtags that were being used against them.”
The biggest achievement made by Anonymous is closing down the main platform of ISIS through which they used to communicate. But with this, comes a fear also that they will now create different platforms which may be difficult in tracking.