Paris was stormed by terrorist attacks which took on Friday and the whole world has shown its solidarity with France but there was one more horrific terrorist attack which killed dozens and injured hundreds, it took place in Beirut and almost nobody is talking about it.
The Southern part of Beirut was bombed, last Thursday by ISIS suicide bombers killing 43 and injuring 239.
Journalist Tamara Quiblawi talked to CNN and narrated the situation of open-air market in Bourj al-Barajneh district after the bombing, “There’s a lot of shattered glass on the street, a lot of blood,” she said. “And it’s really just a scene of chaos and carnage.”
Beirut also witnessed a heroic sacrifice by Adel Termos who handled the second suicide bomber who was just about to explode in the busy market place. Beirut Elie Fares said, “He tackled him to the ground, causing the second suicide bomber to detonate. There are many many families, hundreds of families probably, who owe their completeness to his sacrifice.”
Adel was killed in the market where his daughter was also with him and both of them got killed in the suicide bombing.
The media coverage of the Beirut attack has been negligible in comparison to the Paris attack and it also didn’t get the attention of social media networks. An idea can be taken from this graph:
The poem by Indian blogger, Karuna Ezara Parikh in connection to partiality done with Beirut has gone viral, the poet says, “It’s not Paris we should pray for, it is the world. It is a world in which Beirut, reeling from bombings … is not covered in the press. A world in which a bomb goes off at a funeral in Baghdad and not one person’s status update says ‘Baghdad’ because not one white person died in that fire…”
More than hundred Egyptians were killed in July in an attack made by ISIS; more than hundred were killed in Ankara, Turkey last month. Then it was Beirut’s turn and now Paris, these attacks are an attack on humanity as the President of USA, Barack Obama said after Paris attack, “This is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share.”
However, there was no official statement made by President Obama regarding the assaults on Beirut.
Do let us know what you think about the partiality which is being done with the innocent people who died in Beirut.