Friday the 13th embarked another Unlucky day for people around the world. A day when Humanity was killed again by a bunch of Terrorist alleged to be members of ISIS. This is probably the worst terror attack on the west since 9/11. Early estimates report that more that 160 people have died in the attacks where the terrorist entered a Concert Hall and open fired on people there. It is also reported that armed forces of France had killed all the terrorist involved in this Inhuman Attack. France, pertaining to the attacks has declared a state of emergency and closed all the National borders.
As the Bomb attacks came into news twitter started trending with Paris Attacks and so did #PORTEOUVERTE. PorteOuverte started trending the moment France authorities requested thousands of people to evacuate the streets for security reasons. Porte Ouverte is a french word which in English means OPEN DOOR, which was used in the context to provide immediate shelter to those people on the streets after the Attacks.
One such tweet which won many hearts was by ROHAN SINGH KALSI. He after the attacks tweeted:
The tweet was so powerful that it received huge response and appreciation from the people. It was re-tweeted for about 12K times. He (Rohan Singh) After he got such response tweeted:
Looking at such tweets from people of various religions, caste, etc it is quite clear that Terrorist do one good thing and that thing is they by their cruel activities Unite millions of people from around the world, who stand still and strong against Terrorism.