“Dreaming permits each and everyone of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.”- William Dement. Here are few common dreams intimidating us every night with their real life interpretations. Have a look-
1. FALLING – Holding on to a situation too tightly in your real life
2. FLYING – Got rid from a thing that has been weighing you down
3. TEETH FALLING – Losing confidence
4. MEETING CELEBRITY – Symbolizes personal need for recognition
5. SPECIFIC PEOPLE – interpersonal issues
6. SEX – intimate connections with someone
7. BEING CHASED – Feeling threatened
8. DEATH – Represents ending or new beginning
9. MISSING A FLIGHT – Revealing annoyance over missing significant opportunities in life
10. UNABLE TO MOVE – Attempting to do too many things in less time
INTERESTING. Isn’t it? Don’t forget to share your common dream in the comment section below.
*Good Night, Sweet DREAMS*