This all started After Kylie Jenner, an American reality television personality, socialite and model best known for appearing on the E! reality television series, made golden colored stripes onto her hair, Which actually looked too damn Trendy and were actually beautiful.
Just like most teens, she decided to switch her look and she just unknowingly created a new trend.
These tattoos are from hair accessory brand Scunci and work both on the hair and the skin. While, as per the brand, Kylie was just supplied some part of the product just for trying purposes and she was spotted wearing that product during a photo shoot at her home. The best thing about the tattoos is that these can be easily applied and with more ease, these can be removed too.
How Do These Look
These tattoos work perfectly fine on shampooed and silky-smooth conditioned hair, straight hair And are just easy to handle as no special restriction or handling is required for them.
So, it’s totally a new trend followed up after a celebrity and will be seen often.