Remember KUSHAL TANDON? Exactly!! the same Khushal Tandon who climbed over the roof top of the BIGG BOSS’s house with his bag and moved out of the show. The same Khushal Tandon who did every possible thing to win the show and when he couldn’t win, did everything to make his Girl Friend (GAUHAR KHAN) Win the show. He was very well known for his short temper during the show. The same Kushal Tandon is yet again in the news with his latest tweet about Ameesha Patel. Kushal Tandon recently tweeted about something he didn’t like and found disrespecting the Nation. Kushal Tandon as per his tweet recently went to watch a movie where before the movie started while the national anthem was playing he found a girl who showed no interest in standing up. He of course didn’t like the girls behavior and so he didn’t speak anything at that time but later on tweeted about the same. The girl was none other than popular actress AMEESHA PATEL.
Later Ameesha Patel found herself to be targeted and quickly reacted to Kushal’s Tweet even calling him a JACKA** and accused him of intruding in the privacy of a Women. And the twitter war began. Have a look at the exchange of tweets between the two.
Whoever that so called kushal Tandon is is a a real jackass n invades privacy of women
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Idiot kushal Tandon had the nerve to tweet that I didn't get up during national anthem. Did the jackass ask why?
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Women we all need to slap kushal. I had the monthly girly problem. Getting up wud have caused a blood flow on the theatre ground
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
I waited for the film to start so I cud address my GirLY problem in the bathroom. Didn't know that kushal wud make it a national issue
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Assholes like kushal who invade the privacy of a woman n their problems need 2 b slapped.idiot culdnt even win big boss
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
I feel like laughing because no one including me n my friends even recognised him. He needed 2 tweet for publicity. What a jackass
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Men like him who have forced a woman 2 speak about her intimate girly problems are jerks .. He is a shame to society
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
Obviously kushal had no mothers n sisters or any steady girlfriend so he doesn't know when to open his durty mouth n respect girly intimacy
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
It is disgusting to all women that I had to openly justify a regular problem that women face evry month.. Kushal is an asshole
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
He is immature n u guess needed some topic to be noticed publicly… Shameful.. I had to actuli speak about an intimate detail Bkoz of him
— ameesha patel (@ameesha_patel) October 26, 2015
And then Kushal couldn’t resist to keep calm.. And thus he replied
PHEW!!!!! What do you think? Who is right and who is wrong? Or all these are just to gain publicity? Comment your views in the comment box below.