It is not what you do that matters, it is how you do it. Yes as is always said
winners do not do different things they just do the things differently
Legends are people out of the common but what makes them legends is their dedication to what they do and their infallible strategies.
There are legends in every sport around the world. Every country has it’s different legend in different sport. India is no different. We have got names that could tear apart the strategies of the opponent by their games.
For hockey – it was Major Dhyan Chand, for football – Baichung Bhutia and for cricket, one of the most famous games of India, we have many renowned players having fans all over the world.
Here is a small video of Sachin Tendulkar talking about his cricketing days. Sachin Tendulkar is commonly called the ‘God of Cricket’ the video just tells you why. Yes, it shows how he was ‘a step ahead of his opposition’
You can watch it directly on Facebook
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