It seems that Google loves Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi a lot and that’s why it displays his pic at just any place. Previously, we have seen two such instances. On one, Modi was listed under the category of Top 10 Criminals, whereas on the other, he was categorized as the Most Stupid Prime Minister. However, Google apologized for his blunders both the times but now it appears as if Google is getting used to of committing such mistakes.
Nevertheless, this time, Google has made Modi immortal in a way by showing the result of India’s First Prime Minister with the pic of Narendra Modi. The actual DOB of Jawahar Lal Nehru is November 14, 1889 and thus, if he were alive, he would have been more than 125 years old. And according to Google, it’s Modi, as per the search result!!
If you type India’s First Prime Minister in Google, you’ll get the following result:
At one fell swoop, don’t miss to check out that when you click the “image” option while searching for India’s First Prime Minister, you can see the photo of Modi in the “President” category. Take a look:
Waiting for another apology from Google……
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