The most awaited “dislike” button on Facebook has arrived but it is a little different from what people expected. The “dislike” button will figure on the site as six new emojis, each of them will have their own feeling.
There were a large number of Facebook users who wanted a “dislike” button so that they can express their unhappiness over any news or post. Mark Zuckerburg, the CEO of Facebook gave a hint last month that the website is planning to expand its Like button, as to give users a medium to tell that they are not happy with the particular news or post. Now the website has come up with the solution in the form of six emojis, which will represent “Love”, “Haha”, “Yay”, “Wow”, “Sad” and “Angry”.
Mark said that it took a long time to come up with the solution as they were making sure that whatever option they come up with, can’t be used for harassing anyone online. What is more, they wanted the users to express their unhappiness without being openly negative. This is the reason Facebook has come up with six emojis to express reactions. The new options will be available next to the regular thumbs up button.
The users will be able to see what reactions have been given to the post and they can also see who has given that reaction.¬if_t=comment_mention&__mref=message
As per Techcrunch, Facebook will test the new feature in Spain and Ireland as they are relatively closed groups and the use of emojis in Spain will give an idea to the site about how they will work in a country where users don’t speak English. It will be launched in Spain & Ireland on 9th October.
UPDATE:- Facebook has launched this feature worldwide on 25th Feb 2016.
What do you think Facebook should have come up with thumbs down button for “Dislike” rather than six new emojis? Or are you contented with these? Share your views with regard to the article in the comments section below.