This is one of the most touching videos that you will ever see. Like they say love knows no limits to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope. It can outlast everything. Love still stands still when all else has fallen. Love is perhaps the most powerful force in the universe. This video was posted by Erin Solari on her YouTube. Erin Solari was so moved by the love of her grandparents that she decided to share this beautiful moment of love with all the others. She filmed Howard, her granddad, as he sang to her wife who’s on the deathbed.
Howard, 92, sang their favorite love song to her, which is the song that comforted her when he went away to World War 2. Their love song is “You’ll Never Know” by Rosemary Clooney, which the couple used to sing at their family events, gatherings. Laura, the grandmother of Erin is now too weak to sing, so Howard sang the whole song to her after she said some of the words to him.
Erin also wrote on her YouTube
“Moments before this video began, when Grandma heard that Grandpa was in the room, she asked if she could hold him. Grandpa cannot stand on his own, but he immediately pulled his wheelchair close to her bed ready to make it happen. My cousin, Serena, who is a physical therapist, helped him to his feet and held him up throughout the entire song.
You might notice above her bed there is a sign that says, “Patient Blind.” That is because she has macular degeneration, so she cannot see much of anything but shadows and light. That doesn’t stop her from looking deep into her love’s eyes. Grandpa, on the other hand, has lost most of his hearing, so you’ll notice us repeating things for him since Grandma is too weak to raise her voice.”
The video has gone viral after she posted it on the facebook. People all over the world are deeply moved by seeing the love the old couple shares. Erin also told that earlier the doctors gave her grandmother a week to live, but the hospital eventually deemed her well enough to go back home to live out her remaining few days. As of this posting Erin’s beautiful Grandma Laura Virginia is still with them resting peacefully at home.