Laziness lead to great inventions as Mark Kennedy once rightly said, “All of the biggest technological inventions created by man – the airplane, the automobile, the computer – says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness.” These are the 10 awesome inventions for lazy peoples.
1. Motorized Ice Cream Cone
Don’t wanna move your mouth or head while enjoying ice-cream? Well then buy this Motorized Ice Cream Cone.
2. Segway
The Segway PT is a two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicle. Will it work on Indian roads too?
3. Butter Stick
One corner of your bread didn’t get its fair share of butter? Well use Butter Stick then.
4. Selfy the EasyBed
How many of you like spread and tuck in your sheets and folding your blankets just after waking up? Believe me you’ll love this Selfy the EasyBed.
5. Twirling Spaghetti Fork
I mean com’on we are already making lots of efforts by bringing spaghetti closer to our mouth.
6. Lazy Bastard Reading Glasses
Its very uncomfortable when we try to read books while laying straight on bed. This invention is the solution for our problem.
7. Baby Mop Outfit
Buy this mop outfit and use your child as a cleaner for the floor.
8. Sock Wearing Aid
Wearing socks is such a hard task, isn’t it? Well not anymore use Sock Wearing Aid.
9. Banana Slicer
It’s really hard to slice a banana and need lot of hard work.
10. Self-Lacing Sneakers
I don’t wanna tie my shoe’s laces everyday, it take lot of time.