It is said that the one who gives bribe is guiltier than the one who asks for it. First of all, it’s a crime to ask for bribe as well as give it. Quite often, it is seen that people who don’t have license, helmet, insurance paper or any necessary thing they should carry while driving, they simply offer the cop some money as bribe and feel free. In fact, cops too accept bribe or themselves ask for it and leave the person without having to pay genuine fine or suffer punishment.
This video is a social experiment by Funk You and attempts to make people understand that they must not give bribe to any police officer if they carry each important and necessary thing, no matter how much pressure he imposes upon you or whatever he says. First of all, watch the video to see how people reacted when the cop asked for bribe and whether they gave or not.
Must Watch The Awesome Video:
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