This is an incidence happened at Hotel Taj, in Dwarka, Delhi. Celebrity and contestant of Big Boss Season 5, Pooja Mishra was reportedly trying to avoid the hotel authorities and elope for the premises, when she was asked to clear her dues. These were for the payment for the articles found broken in the room she stayed.
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Instead of clearing those, she started shouting and howling on the staff. I wonder she has not changed in all these years. Ironically, it was just few months back when she filed a molestation and sexual assault case and claimed someone unknown entered her room and tried to misbehave with her. However, after investigation, police found that no one ever entered. She has been an one of the examples of women who uses “crime against women” as a weapon to shield themselves and molest others, just like one of the recent “Jasleen Kaur” case.
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