Teachers!! A man takes birth and starts his lesson to live from the very first day of his birth. Mothers become their first teachers in life. It’s the parents who teach the children the very basic things like talking, walking, eating food etc. Then slowly he grows up and he is put into a school where he meets someone who in the next 10-12 years gives him the knowledge which makes him a better man in life. Teachers play a very significant role in one’s life. It is who from whom we learn the good things and things which helps us to survive in this competitive world. They mold us & give us that tough structure to face the world & succeed. We as good students should always Thank our teachers as it is because of them I’m able to write this post and you are able to read it. Thank You TEACHERS.
So today on this very special day we bring you these beautifully presented posters by Test Book which shows 10 Bollywood Characters who perfectly Define what teachers are and various types of teachers. Have a look at them:
1. The Grammar Killer
2. The Diva
3. The Changemaker
4. The Disciplinarian
5. The Overachiever
6. The Bore
7. The Nurturer
8. The Khadoos
9. The Motivator
10. The Dedicated One
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