Everyone of Us are familiar with the very famous Delhi Eve Teasing Case, where a Girl Jasleen Kaur had alleged hat Sarvjeet had molested her. She posted Sarvjeet’s pic on Facebook which was shared by over One Lakh Fifty Thousand Times. The case went very much viral because of the new twists everyday. Everyone in the begging blamed Sarvjeet and he was arrested too. But later people realized that it was the girl who may have done it to gain media attention. If that is true then this could be the worst misuse of Feminism.
Everyone whether on TV or on Social Media were giving their views on the case so SORTED a YouTube channel traveled around Delhi and asked women in Delhi about what they think about the incident. Check out their views in the YouTube video here:
What do you think about the Video? Are these women right? Comment your views on the video as well as the incident in the comment box below.