Parenting is always not that easy, here we mention you 10 things that always happens when you make kids get ready for school. If you a responsible parent you would probably understand what i mean.
1. The alarm rings and you are addicted to snooze the alarm atleast once.
2. You need for a cup of tea first, only than you can make them ready.
3. Waking up your kid is a real task, which requires skills.
4. You will see a real Drama while dressing up the kid.
5. Tackling with the hair can challenge your patience every time
6. You always have to think about their Tiffin of their choice
7. Till the time your kids are ready, they will come back with spoiled hair and ruined dress.
8. Time to make sure you have taken everything required and rechecking it again and again.
9. Suddenly you realize about their unfinished homework.