Look into your teachers mind, and you wish to learn all the lessons and theories at once. There are things which parents and teacher want each other to know, but what about if your parent was a teacher. Check out some truths which you understand only when your parent was a teacher.
1.You were always the first one to know about the school trips, because of your mom discussing with the faculty.
2. Before the list was announced, you would be able to figure out how much you scored.
3. You were always told you score better marks than others.
4. You have spent most of the time participating in school functions and decorating the school premises.
5. Your friends always tried to get a favor from you.
6. You did your homework just because your parent was always keeping a watch over you.
7. You always have that one best friend of your parent, who always tried to be over comfortable with you.
8. People know you because your parent was their teacher a decade ago.
9. You could never enjoy the camp, as your parent was always there.
10. No one ever dared to have a fight with you, just because you were a child of one of the teacher.
Is you parent a teacher? What did you experience?