School education is often criticized for not having any practical purpose. Today let’s take a look at some common facts which school taught us wrong.
1. If there weren’t any gravity in space, all the planets including the Earth would start moving in a straight line.
2. He just bought the patent. The invention was already experimented by 22 other people including Nicola Tesla.
3. Fellow artist Paul Gaugin cut it off with a sword during a fight.
4. Actually, it’s a method of communicating threats.
5. It was Viking Leif Erikson who discovered it in 1,000 A.D.
6. The entire surface of tongue detects all tastes equally.
7. Not at all true.
8. Human beings share a common ancestor with chimpanzees but we didn’t really evolve from chimpanzees.
After reading this article, I hope you’re less ignorant.