News coming up from Hyderabad had scared the people laving around Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad. The armed forces in Hyderabad are on a hunt for a Tiger which has managed to escaped leaving the people into fear. Panic created among all the people who were then inside the zoo. Due to the weekend there was heavy rush in the Zoo. Authorities are on a hunt and ordered people to clear the zoo as soon as possible. Enquiry is also conducted on how could the tiger come out of the enclosure and who is responsible for such negligence for escape of a Deadly animal. This is not the first case of such negligence in the zoo in India. Earlier in the past many such cases have been reported which resulted in even deaths of people in the zoo. Details for the negligence awaited.
Imagine you are walking in the zoo and you are confronted with a tiger? What would you do? How would you react? Comment your views in the comment box below.
News Source : Siasat
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