If astronomy fascinates you, then brace yourself to be fascinated. We’ll take a look at some astronomical and celestial events and phenomenons which will be observed way too ahead in the future.
1. Most of us are aware of how rare the Halley’s Comet is. Perihelion refers to the position of a celestial object when it’s closest to the sun.
2. The last time this phenomenon occurred was on February 1, 949!
3. The last full orbit of Neptune around the sun(since its discovery) was in the year 1846.
4. It’ll be the first solar eclipse since 1973 which’s longer than 7 minutes. It’s gonna last for 7 minutes, 14 second.
5. Transit of Venus: It’s when planet Venus is placed across the sun. This can happen between any two celestial bodies.
6. Could humans conquer Mars by then?
7. Though the Halley’s Comet is rare? Well, this is rarer.