Although we live in a modern era, there are still a number of people who believe in matching Kundlis before marriage and don’t get ready for the marriage until the Kundlis are successfully matched. Sometimes, it happens that if a person loves someone so much that he/she just can’t live without him/her, they often try to give Dakshina (amount) and request Pandits to match Kundlis anyhow and in return, they would be offered desired Dakshina. This video is a social experiment on the same issue by Funk You where they catch Pandits on camera who are agreed to match the unmatched kundlis of couple if they get a good amount of Dakshina!!
By means of this video, we are not at all intended to say that all Pandits are corrupt or do wrong things but Beware of Scam!
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
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