People around the world aren’t always awful. Sometimes, they’re maybe even just a little bit more wonderful than expectations.These below pictures made me think that HUMANITY still exist. Like Here are 11 pictures to remind you of that fact.
1.This saying at an awesome bookshop
2. The moment in which this Ohio athlete stopped to help an injured competitor across the finish line during a track meet
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Winning race doesn’t matters but winning heart does ……
3. Subway Rockssss
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May you get all the black money from India ….. coz doing a great job ….
4. This picture of a villager carrying kittens to dry land during floods in India
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Animals are our friends ….
5. This sign at an awesome drycleaner’s
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GOD bless him too ………..
6. This picture of a firefighter administering oxygen to a cat rescued from a house fire
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Man… Respect : )
7.These photos of two children collaborating to rescue a dog who had fallen into a ravine
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Humanity still alive…..
8. This photograph of a man giving his shoes to a homeless girl in Brazil
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No one is alone in this world ……
9. This picture of Chicago Christians who showed up at a gay pride parade to apologize for homophobia in the Church
… and the reaction from the parade
Equal rights …. stop discriminating each others
10. This note that was handed to a waiter along with a $20 bill by an elderly lady in his restaurant
Blessings and money made his day ….
11. And this photograph of two best friends on a swing
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Don’t hit the animals … Pet them 🙂
Ever think what you are doing and for whom ? I am not saying do work to get publicity like celebrities , there are many unseen heroes like above in this cruel world . So , do goof work and bring humanity back ..
Literally , I am writing this with tears in my eyes …
Guys..share this to bring HUMANITY back..